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 Channel 4 4Crew - Social Networker 

For Channel 4’s 4Talent department, I am responsible for maintaining their social media platforms surrounding their 4Talent Day Events. This involves covering the live events on Twitter and taking photographs for the 4Talent Facebook Page and website.


I work as part of a freelance film crew documenting the events and have worked on projects for Film 4 and the Government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. I also deliver speeches and feature on panel Q+A sessions at these events about my journey in the media industry so far.



TMRW Magazine - Journalist

I have worked as a contributor for TMRW Magazine from conception, initially writing online content for the website before moving into print when the first issue was launched.


I wrote the main cover feature interview for both the first and second issue of this music and fashion magazine, which is stocked in Harrods and Selfridges as well as many independent stores across the UK.


I have continued to contribute to further issues and have worked closely as part of a team promoting it on social media, initiating two worldwide Twitter trends of #tmrwmagazine. 



HideAndSeek Disabilities Blog

I write a blog called HideAndSeek Disabilities ( which has reached a global audience of over 45,000 hits. This blog is about raising awareness of invisible disabilities and acts as an online support platform for those that have invisible conditions. I also maintain social media networks for this blog, including a Twitter page which has over 1000 followers.


I have also contributed to a variety of publications including Disability Now Magazine, Elexu and have featured a sponsored post on my blog for Honda’s Motability Scheme.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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